Light Metals Centre BV
Metaalpark 2
9936 BV Delfzijl
The Netherlands
T +31(0)596 634 744
F +31(0)596 634 757


Light Metals Centre BV

The Light Metals BV Centre (LMC) is a research centre focussing on the light metals industry.
The LMC was established by the Metal Park Foundation, the Northern Development Company (NOM), Groningen Seaports, Aldel, Delfzijl and the Province of Groningen are working together.
The LMC combines research and small-scale production, for clients from both science and industry. The focus is on increasing the knowledge in the field of production and processing of light metals (aluminium, magnesium).The LMC has a broad experience in the field of materials and material processing such as forging, casting, HIP, CIP and extrusion.

The Light Metals Centre offers wide range of machinery:

  • HIP & CIP Unit (2,000 bar)
  • Test Foundry (capacity 300 Kg)
  • Meltspinning facility (capacity 300 Kg)
  • Research Lab for Metallurgy Research
  • Heat Treatment furnaces
  • Fatigue Test Bench
  • Forging, Conform and Hydrostatic Extrusion Press

For questions, please contact the Light Metals Centre in Delfzijl.